The Life of Ramanujacarya
At the time of the Norman Conquest a revolution took place in the religious life of medieval India. A wave of devotion to Vishnu, the Supreme Lord of the Vedas, spread across the subcontinent. Spearheading this movement was a philosopher, saint, and devotee - Ramanuja.

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Although this book was written for young students, emphasizing Ramanuja's activities more than his teachings, everyone will enjoy reading about the life of this great Acharya, who was a pioneer in overcoming and defeating the Mayavada philosophy.
The book was written at a fifth- and sixth-grade reading level.
Compiled by Naimisaranya Das, with illustrations by Ananta Sakti Das. Originally published in 1989 by Veda (Vaishnava Educational Alternative).
Sri Ramanuja Acarya appeared around 1017 A.D in a pious brahmana family. He became the formost Acarya in the Sri Sampradaya and was reputed to be the incarnation of Laksmana, the younger brother of Lord Ramacandra. He was a boy of extraordinary intelligence and placed himself under the charge of Yadavacarya, a renown Sankrite scholar. Later Ramanuja took sannyasa and traveled throughout India vigorously defeating atheists and impersonalists by preaching the Vasistadvaita doctrine. He never failed to win over a rival in spiritual disputations.
Ramanujacarya's Final Instructions :
Worship all Vaisnavas as you worship your guru.
Have faith in previous acaryas.
Never be controlled by the senses.
Never be satisfied simply by worldly knowledge.
Study the scriptures that describe the glories of the Supreme Lord.
Transcendental knowledge can overcome the pushings of the mind and senses.
Be indifferent to the prompting of the mind.
Always relish the chanting of the holy name and qualities of the Lord.
The best way to serve the Lord is rendering service to his devotees.
Never follow the ways of a Vaisnava for material gain.
Always endeavor for purity.
- Teža (v kg) :
- 0.4700
- Specifikacija :
- 253 strani, ovoj za platnice, velikost 14.5 x 21 x 2.5 cm.
- Platnice :
- Trde
- Avtor :
- Naimisaranya Das
- Založnik :
- Rasbihari Lal & Sons
- Leto izdaje :
- 2005
- Jezik :
- Angleščina
- ISBN :
- 81-87812-71-0